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[번역] 웨이모가 로보택시 기밀유지 위해 캘리포니아 DMV에 소송 https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-01-28/waymo-robot-taxi-sues-state-secret-black-ice?_amp=true Waymo sues state DMV to keep robotaxi safety details secret A court may decide whether Waymo's business interests outweigh the public's right to understand the safety issues around self-driving cars www.latimes.com 샌프란시스코에서 로보택시 평가를 진행해온 웨이모가 캘리포니아 DMV를 고소했다. 당장의 이슈는 대중에게 공개할 것으로 요청받은 정보를 웨이모..
[웨이모] CO-CEO인 테케드라 마와카나 인터뷰 https://www.theverge.com/22708676/waymo-tekedra-mawakana-self-driving-interview?fbclid=IwAR2FMgWWTzSrOB_xgAgZF0lji4hIJ8JUtcfLY_63pW4diULTO6CyE1rkHqI Waymo co-CEO Tekedra Mawakana on how to get self-driving taxis to the mall Picking people up is its own difficult challenge. www.theverge.com Q) 왜 이렇게 늦어지고 있는 것인가? A) 이 시대의 Engineering Challenge를 겪고 있다고 생각한다. 그것이 오래 걸리는 이유다. 성공하기 위해서, 그리고 잘 해내기 위해서,..
[우버] 라파엘 바즈케즈에 대한 판결은 잘못되었는가? https://21cpilot.tistory.com/26?category=728480 Uber ATG의 AZ Tempe 충돌 사고에 대한 NTSB 보고서 https://dms.ntsb.gov/pubdms/search/hitlist.cfm?docketID=62978&CurrentPage=3&EndRow=43&StartRow=31&order=1&sort=0&TXTSEARCHT= Accident ID HWY18MH010 Mode Highway occurred on March 18, 2018 in Tempe,.. 21cpilot.tistory.com https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/uber-self-driving-crash-arizona-vasquez-wrongfully-cha..
[칼럼]웨이모의 새로운 리더쉽과 자율주행 자동차의 미래 bdtechtalks.com/2021/04/08/waymo-ceo-reshuffling-self-driving-car-industry/ Waymo’s new leadership & the future of self-driving cars Waymo's new leadership lineup suggests that the company has acknowledged that the “fully self-driving cars are here” narrative is a bit fallacious. bdtechtalks.com 지난 4월 2일, 2015년부터 웨이모의 CEO였던 존 크라프칙이 물러났다. COO인 테게드라 마와카나와 CTO인 드미트리 돌보프가 그의 역할을 대신하게 되었고 존 크라프칙은 고문 ..
웨이모 CEO, 테슬라의 방식은 잘못되었다? https://www.forbes.com/sites/johanmoreno/2021/01/22/waymo-ceo-says-tesla-is-not-a-competitor-gives-estimated-cost-of-autonomous-vehicles/?sh=5ff52610541b Waymo CEO Says Tesla Is Not A Competitor, Gives Estimated Cost Of Autonomous Vehicles In an interview with German business publication Manager Magazin, Waymo CEO John Krafcik gave an idea of how much each one of the company’s vehicles will cost..
The End of Starsky Robotics https://medium.com/starsky-robotics-blog/the-end-of-starsky-robotics-acb8a6a8a5f5 The End of Starsky Robotics In 2015, I got obsessed with the idea of driverless trucks and started Starsky Robotics. In 2016, we became the first street-legal vehicle… medium.com 2015년, 나는 무인 자율주행 트럭에 대한 아이디어에 몰입하게 되었고 Starsky Robotics를 설립했다. 2016년, 우리는 실제로 사람이 운전하지 않은 채 산업 현장에서 합벅적으로 트럭을 운행할 수 있는 첫번 째 회사가 되었다. 201..
NHTSA, NURO의 면제 청원을 승인 https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/grocery-delivery-robot-wins-first-federal-safety-approval-for-a-self-driving-vehicle/2020/02/06/90e97658-48f5-11ea-9164-d3154ad8a5cd_story.html?fbclid=IwAR3OZ4if3q-5B3yIg88eICN226MrHlme5d1YokXic62GthVqXZsWuTPhOCE불러오는 중입니다...https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.dot.gov/files/documents/nuro_grant_notice_final-unofficial.pdf불러오는 중입니다... 지난 주 금요일..
Uber ATG의 AZ Tempe 충돌 사고에 대한 NTSB 보고서 https://dms.ntsb.gov/pubdms/search/hitlist.cfm?docketID=62978&CurrentPage=3&EndRow=43&StartRow=31&order=1&sort=0&TXTSEARCHT= Accident ID HWY18MH010 Mode Highway occurred on March 18, 2018 in Tempe, AZ United States Last Modified on November 05, 2019 09: List of Contents Results 31 through 43 of 43 Total Pages 439/Photos 0 Document Filing Date Document Title Pages Photo 31 Nov 05, 2019 Human Perf..